So, I've been in the UK now for almost two weeks now. It's been great catching up with old friends and family - even if it started off rather poorly with Australia losing the Ashes on the day I arrived in London. Hopefully that was just a coincidence. Stupid bloody game.
It feels a little odd being back in Nottingham. It's been seven years since I was living here and was working in the Design Studio. Much has changed (trams, friends' situations, my own attitudes to some things, etc) yet lots of remains much the same (friendships, chavs, the weather, etc). The best thing about being back is definitely seeing old mates and meeting the new little people many of them have spawned in the last half a dozen years. It's wonderful, though all very grown up.
On Friday I ventured in to Games Workshop HQ (where I impressed by the Rhino in the carpark) and met up with my editor, Laurie Goulding. I've been working with Laurie for the last couple of years now, but never actually met him face to face, so it was great to finally sit down and chat with him. It was also great to see random old friends and colleagues passing by (although this did make our meeting much longer than intended - but Laurie was a good sport about that, thankfully).
SO... I've had a number of people asking me, either in person, on Facebook or on Twitter, about what I'll be working on next, and what I have coming out in the foreseeable future. This is what Laurie and I spent much of our time chatting about, but unfortunately there's not a whole hell of lot that I can actual tell to you lovely people, sadly. I'd love to spill the beans and tell you all about what Laurie and I were plotting, but, well, I'm not allowed to. What I can say (or at least, I hope I can and will not have a kill-team smashing the door in within minutes of my clicking 'publish') is this:
- While I do intend to come back and write more 40K Word Bearers at some point - Vox Dominus really does leave things on a bit of a cliff-hanger, so needs a follow-up - it's not gonna happen in the foreseeable near future. To be honest, I'm keen to write some other things for BL before coming back to Marduk.
- Horus Heresy - yes, I'd love to do more writing for the Heresy. I really enjoyed writing Dark Heart (the Word Bearers short-story I penned for 'Mark of Calth'), and while I can't say much, but some more Heresy work IS on the cards. Nothing as grand as a full novel, mind, but something that I reckon is pretty neat. It's a little daunting to think about writing for the Horus Heresy series, but it's very, very exciting.
- People have been really complimentary about my audio drama, Chosen of Khorne. I'd love to write more Kharn, as I've really taken a liking to the psychotic nut-bag. I've been pestering Laurie about getting to write more about Kharn - I will keep everyone posted about any developments there.
- I'm working on pulling a new novel synopsis together, and all going well, am looking to get started on this new book in the next couple of months. It's a 40K book. It's got lots of Chaos in it. It's not a follow-up to my Word Bearers work. More will be revealed when I get the green-light to speak more about it.
That's all a bit vague, I know. Sorry 'bout that, but I can't really say much more at the moment. Right, I seem to have gone off rambling much more than I'd intended when I started this blog, so I'm gonna sign off now. Cheers all, and I hope everyone survived their Monday and has a good week.