Oooooooh, shiny new website

Hey guys,

What do you think of the new website? Pretty shiny, eh?

From now on, this will be where I'll be updating my blog - ideally a little more than I managed in 2014... My old faithful wordpress blog will now be redirecting to here.

In other news, my latest book Kharn: Eater of Worlds was released on Christmas day. I'll write up a blog dedicated solely to that book in a day or so. I'm really pleased with how this book turned out, and hope you guys enjoy it too.

I hope all of you are having a happy holiday, and that you will be seeing out the last days of 2014 in style.



And we have a winner!

There were some great entries into the competition I put up last week. Matt's suggestion of "A Pig" made me laugh the most, though Chris's suggestion of Scout Sergeant Cyrus from Dawn of War II certainly made me chuckle (I played way too much of that game). I loved Boltorange's idea of wanting to see Kharn take on the Skulltaker - I think there is definitely a story in that.

But there can be only one, and while I've deliberated back and forth, and loved all the entries... The winner is Gil Fuhr, with this suggestion:

"Lucius the Eternal! Not only because they make up 40K’s dichotomy of violence, but because they both have such personal tales of betrayal; so much in common & so different. And there is such backstory with Fabius Bile and Angron’s Legion wide implants. Then again, Fabius Bile would be a fun fight. What would his Rod of Torment feel like to Kharn?"

kev_walker_kharn_the_betrayer lucius

Kharn vs Lucius, huh. I like it. You sir, are the winner! I'll be in contact with you shortly!

Thanks to everyone who entered!

Wanna win a signed copy of Chosen of Khorne?

So, my beautiful girlfriend and I are off travelling the world in 3 weeks time (and I'm planning to do lots of writing along the way) - so I am currently doing lots of cleaning, boxing up, storing, chucking out and selling stuff. Fun. While doing this, I came across a spare copy of Chosen of Khorne that I'd not given to friends or family, and thought it'd give it away to someone. Grr. Arg.

So, here's the deal. To score yourself this copy, I want you to tell me who, in a Black Library story/novel/audio/whatever,  you would most like to see Khârn fight, why, and who you reckon would be the victor. 30k, 40k - whatever. Bring on the smack-down!

I'll leave this comp open for a week, so will pick my favourite response next Monday evening, Sydney time. Make sure to leave your details so I can get in touch and find out where to send the signed audio if I choose your entry as the coolest/funniest/most generally rad.