2014, eh? Geez, that crept up on us, didn't it?
Back to the Future II was set in 2015 - so I guess this year is going to have to have a heck of a lot of technological breakthroughs to look forward to: self-sizing clothes and shoes, flying cars, hoverboards, nuked food, etc.
2013 was a crazy, wonderful year for me.
I proposed to the love of my life, Beth - and she said yes. I visited and lived in twelve different countries. I caught up with amazing, brilliant friends all over the world - you all know who you are and you freakin' ROCK - and met loads of new ones along the way.
I got to know my future in-laws, who are awesome. I got to snowboard in Colorado on Christmas day, which was both mad and rad.
I got to work with some incredibly talented friends and experts in their field, and am incredibly thankful and humbled to have been given some amazing work opportunities. I got to two Games Days (US and UK), and met loads of awesome fans who said nice things about my stories, and got to hang out with authors whose work I admire and respect.
I got to write some stories that made me grin, laugh and pull my hair out in equal measure - some of which have yet to see the light of day (or even be announced yet...) and I'm currently just about to cross the 50% mark of my latest novel for Black Library, which I can't wait to share but must remain, for now, tight-lipped about.
2013 hasn't been without its challenges and periods of stress, but all in all, it was pretty damn freaking good. You've got a lot to match up to, 2014, but I've got a good feeling about you. We're gonna get along just fine, I'd say.
Over the next few weeks I'm going to give a bit of a run-down on my favourite books/movies/games of 2013, and the ones I'm most looking forward to in 2014, as well as aiming for a more regular presence both here, on my author Facebook page (go like it HERE so I'm not talking into the void) and in the twittersphere (here!) on my news, random musings on stuff, and whatever other nonsense I fancy blathering on about.
To all of you, I hope you have a wonderful 2014, that it's kind to you - but not dull - and that the next twelve months is filled with laughter, happiness, good books, good games, and good friends.